Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Ingatan dan kasih kita kepada sahabat lahir dari ketulusan hati, tanpa dipaksa oleh kepentingan dan keperluan sesuatu. Allah berikan rahmat kepada mereka yang merasai intimnya hubungan kasih sayang ini. Biarpun dengan ucapan ringkas; 'selamat hari lahir'; atau sapaan salam; 'Assalamualaikum' dan disertai senyuman halus, sudah cukup menggambarkan erti tautan kasih.

Seorang sahabat saya mengirimkan bait puitis ini; sungguh cantik untuk dihalusi..

Ribuan terima kasih atas ingatan tuan, sesungguhnya alam yang kita nikmati ini masih menyanyikan lagu penyayang.

This friendly world draws these sounds and hope it would reflect,
Our sacredness deep within us we cherish with honor and respect.
where souls have united, entwined in single embrace,
breathing in happiness and peace, playing in God's sacred space.

We are the soil of the earth in which the seed of our soul grow,
We are the mirrors of our eyes in which our true reflection show.

Inside us we have discovered the meaning of who we are,
Through this friendly world we came to realize if we believe we could, we can.
We poured the riches of our wisdom into the once an empty shell,
And made us forget sadness and regret and wave to it farewell.

We are the anchor in the days we drift sad and lost away,
Our own special mould that God made from human clay.
We hope these sounds we drew could even simply explain,
that we are the rainbow seen through the endless rain.

Sahabat, I know I am not a Poet, I could not even pretend,but I hope you know that this friendly world is the essence that helps souls to mend

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